

Offerings are listed chronologically by maturity date. Click on the column heading to sort by State, Rating, Quantity, etc.
WCY = Worst Case Yield
YTM = Yield to Maturity
PRE = Pre-Refunded
P = Yield to Put
C = Yield to Call
ETM = Escrowed to Maturity
AMT = Subject to AMT

StateMoodyS&PQty DescriptionCouponMaturity YTMWCY Price
ALA1235LAUDERDALE CNTY AL3.40007/01/20593.3323.049C101.495
FLBBB645LANDMARK AT DORAL CDD FL3.00005/01/20353.0003.00099.998
FLBBB350LANDMARK AT DORAL CDD FL3.00005/01/20383.1003.10098.601
OHAa225LAKEVIEW OHIO LOC SCH DIST4.00011/01/20523.5172.000C109.370
FLBBB+35LAKESHORE RANCH CDD FL SR3.00005/01/20353.0003.000100.000
GAA2A170LAGRANGE TROUP CNTY GA4.00004/01/20473.3922.393C110.783
ALA2AA55JEFFERSON CNTY AL SWR REV5.25010/01/20484.3972.000C113.868
ALA2AA50JEFFERSON CNTY AL SWR REV0.00010/01/20465.2491.750C98.168
FLA20JACKSONVILLE FLA HEALTH CARE4.00011/01/20403.4422.223C108.274
IAAA470IOWA LAKES REGL WTR IA4.00003/01/20453.4502.400C109.224
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