

Offerings are listed chronologically by maturity date. Click on the column heading to sort by State, Rating, Quantity, etc.
WCY = Worst Case Yield
YTM = Yield to Maturity
PRE = Pre-Refunded
P = Yield to Put
C = Yield to Call
ETM = Escrowed to Maturity
AMT = Subject to AMT

StateMoodyS&PQty DescriptionCouponMaturity YTMWCY Price
ILA2A10ILLINOIS ED FACS AUTH REV4.50011/01/20363.7392.450C109.490
TXA2AA40CYPRESS RANCH TX WC&ID #13.12508/15/20362.7972.150C104.363
FLA2A10BREVARD CNTY FL HLTH FACS AUTH4.00004/01/20363.4122.229C107.321
OHA2AA25WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS OHIO4.00011/01/20353.2612.050C109.125
FLBBB645LANDMARK AT DORAL CDD FL3.00005/01/20353.0003.00099.998
FLBBB+35LAKESHORE RANCH CDD FL SR3.00005/01/20353.0003.000100.000
FLA60WEST PALM BEACH FL CMNTY4.12503/01/20353.3422.245C109.306
NYA2AA25NEWBURGH CITY NY3.50007/15/20342.8452.032C107.796
ILBaa310ILLINOIS ST BAM-TCRS5.00005/01/20323.7141.995C112.719
CTA1A15CONNECTICUT ST HSG FIN4.00006/15/20312.9112.250C110.626
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